TDPA Objectives
The TDPA Board of Directors meets at least monthly to discuss, plan, and strategize effective interventions. Ongoing activities that support our goals and objectives include, but are not limited to:
Collaborating with local agencies to identify code enforcement and zoning issues as well as needed public improvement projects (such as open space, street and sidewalk repair).
Working with local government agencies and other organizations to develop and implement strategies that will ensure a quality and diverse housing stock that is appropriate to a variety of income levels.
Seeking out and grants and other funding to assist with implementing public improvement projects.
Planning and implementing special events and activities that promote the Tower District as a unique and wonderful place to live, as well as a destination for visitors.
Creating opportunities for community outreach and education, such as through planned community workshops and through social media campaigns.
Lobbying local agencies in support of the Tower District Specific Plan through direct contact, telephone contact, letter writing campaigns and through social media platforms.
Actively promoting the Tower District as Fresno's premiere regional arts and entertainment district.